
超过了 40年, 威尼斯人平台 商学院 & 社会 一直支持我们国家的骄傲 军人、退伍军人和配偶 & 家属 by 提供 负担得起的, 认证, 以及商业、领导力和分析方面的高质量学位课程.

军事 & 退伍军人


Our business degree programs prepare students with the skills needed to succeed and to make a difference in a changing world. 我们通过以下方式实现这一目标:

  • 关注21st 融入现实世界实践的世纪商业技能, 极受欢迎的分析和技术专长, 以及雇主高度要求的管理和沟通技巧.
  • 将商业和社会元素整合到课程和作业中, 比如道德, 企业社会责任, 环境可持续性, 以及目的性领导.
  • Creating numerous opportunities to deepen the business learning experience through specialized concentrations, 凯普斯通咨询项目, 以及海外留学项目.



The 商学学士学位 goes beyond the traditional administration or man年龄ment education to enhance the effectiveness of business professionals by linking their experiences with theories taught in the modern classroom.

With the 商学学士学位 degree completion program at the Redlands 商学院 you will:

  • 学习如何运用商业概念,如战略规划, 运营管理, and human resource development to identify and solve business problems across different industries
  • 获得会计的基础知识, 经济学, 金融, 业务分析, 市场营销, 和通信
  • Empower yourself with 21st century business skills and insights into ethical and data-driven decision-making, 商业和地理信息系统, 以及组织如何茁壮成长的全球视角
  • Possess measurable skills including an understanding of core business disciplines and the ability to analyze an industry effectively
  • 是否有信心应对组织挑战, the ability to make decisions using a wide range of perspectives and new opportunities to positively impact businesses and society.



威尼斯人平台的MBA为你提供了所需的技能, 知识, 以及你成功所需要的职业提升机会. 不仅如此, we develop confident and innovative leaders to tackle the most complex business challenges in a changing world.


  • Prepares you for business 领导 by providing you with 21st century business skills to help you tackle the financial, 组织, 人力资源, 策略, 以及当今技术驱动的伦理挑战, 复杂的全球商业环境
  • 特点是班级规模小, 哪些培养了一个模仿同志情谊的合作学习环境, 多样化的讨论, 以及专业环境下的团队合作
  • Ensures that you gain real-world experience with numerous hands-on and collaborative projects as well as access to corporate partnerships with prominent private, 公共, 非营利组织
  • Offers you access to unique and innovative MBA concentrations like Location Analytics and through our Spatial Business Initiative partnership with Esri, 位置分析和地理信息系统(GIS)的全球领导者


在数据驱动的经济中, harnessing the power of 业务分析 can help you create meaningful insights and make strategic, 道德决策将提升你的组织和你的职业生涯.


  • 专注于商业分析的专业领域, 强调信息, 统计数据, 大数据, 预测性和规范性分析, 新兴技术
  • Provides a distinctive blend of business courses as well as training in geographic information systems (GIS), 管理信息系统(MIS), 资讯科技(IT), 和分析,这样你就能从这个商业纪律的整体方法中受益
  • 将您与我们的空间商业计划联系起来, 与GIS和全球地图行业领导者Esri合作, 这为您提供了宝贵的位置分析专业知识和行业联系
  • Allows you to gain important technical skills in business intelligence and 大数据 analysis as well as complementary skills such as business communications, 领导, 和道德


今天的组织与员工有着多方面的沉浸式关系, 客户, 供应商, 和社区. With a 组织领导理学硕士 degree from the Redlands 商学院, 你将学会驾驭这些复杂的关系, 做出合乎道德的决定, 并整合个人弧线, 组织, 社会影响为成功奠定了基础.


  • Helps you gain the insights you need to effectively address issues related to 组织 effectiveness and integrate 组织 behavior and 领导 theory to address issues related to talent man年龄ment
  • 整合伦理概念, 原则, 和理论, 以及商业分析, into your approach to man年龄ment so you can positively impact both your organization and society
  • 教你掌握写作, 口服, and analytical expression to communicate effectively with both internal and external stakeholders



提高你的资历, 把你的技能集中在诸如位置分析之类的主题上, and grow your professional network less with our 商业位置分析证书. 通过与威尼斯人平台继续教育学院的合作, you can learn 21st-century business skills based on the latest developments and industry best practices.


  • 在位置分析中获得宝贵的技能, 空间业务, 和地理信息系统(GIS),并提高您的业务决策
  • 了解绘制人口趋势的力量,以及如何在视觉叙事中使用它
  • Learn how leading organizations deploy location analytics to digitally transform the enterprise, 获得客户洞察, 管理风险, 扩大业务
  • 了解收藏的价值, 可视化, 解释, 并分析复杂的位置数据,以帮助组织决策, 识别新的收入来源并获得竞争优势
  • Learn the importance of examining and predicting business patterns and trends to derive location intelligence that can aid organizations to minimize business disruption, 提升客户体验, 并确保可持续的业务增长


我们是。 私立,非营利性,认可的大学 致力于支持我们国家的军人, 退伍军人, 为他们的家庭提供优秀且价格合理的商业教育.

  • 你负担得起的学费. 我们是为数不多的两所相匹配的大学之一 本科生和研究生 tuition rates with the DoD 学费 Assistance (TA) rate at $250 per credit for active-duty servicemembers, 他们的配偶, 以及国民警卫队和预备役队员.
  • 我们是一所黄丝带威尼斯人平台. 根据《澳门威尼斯人官方网》,退伍军人和他们的配偶 & 家属可能有资格参加黄丝带计划,以减少自付费用.
  • 不收取申请费. We strive to make our programs accessible and affordable by eliminating as many financial barriers as we can to get you started.
  • 为你的军事经历和教育争取荣誉. 转移 credits can help fast-track your path to a business degree while saving you time and money to kickstart your civilian career.
  • 在加州有多个校区. Our regional campuses are conveniently located so that military 退伍军人 and their families can take courses on-ground to fulfill requirements to receive the 退伍军人权利法》® Monthly Housing Allowance (MHA).


每年, our graduates tell us how their degree program and experience at the Redlands 商学院 & 社会帮助他们在个人和职业上成长和成功.


Of our '21 graduates indicated that they were satisfied with the value of their education at the Redlands 商学院 & 社会



Of our '21 graduates indicated that they were satisfied with their experience including the quality of their education, 他们的教师, 校园设施, 毕业时间到了, 和更多的


我们21届毕业生中有一位表示他们会推荐雷德兰兹商学院 & 与朋友或同事交往

为什么选择雷德兰兹商学院 & 社会?

  • We offer specialized services and personalized attention to help smooth the transition from military life to an educational environment that challenges you to take your skills to the next level.
  • We provide dedicated career counseling resources for military-affiliated students to help give you an edge in the business world.
  • 我们提供多种学习形式的课程, 包括我们校园地点的实地课程, 在线课程(异步), 以及在线直播课程(同步).
  • 我们是。ccredited by the Western Association of Schools and Colleges (WASC) and the Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP)—premier accreditation bodies that ensures the highest quality standards in university and in business education.



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退伍军人权利法》® 是美国的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部. 有关退伍军人管理局提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问 U.S. 政府退伍军人法案网站.