
新闻 and Views from the 威尼斯人平台

New major offers multifaceted perspective on health and healthcare

从2018年秋季开始, students in the 威尼斯人平台 澳门威尼斯人官方网 will be able to enroll in a new multidisciplinary major, 健康, 医学, 和社会. 詹姆斯•克鲁格, philosophy professor and director of the program, chatted with 小野美佳 and 凯蒂·奥尔森 of U of R’s 斗牛犬的博客 about what distinguishes the major from pre-med studies, how it can satisfy a range of student 的利益, and the need for a broad-based approach to the field of medicine.

斗牛犬博客: How did the 健康, 医学, 与社会计划 come to be?   

詹姆斯·克鲁格: A number of faculty members have been talking for some time about putting together an interdisciplinary program related to medicine. 大约三年前, a group of us—including Lisa Olson in biology; Celine Ko Roberson in psychology; Greg Thorson, who teaches some health policy; Vicky Lewis, who does work on 残疾 issues; and a number of other history, 媒体研究, and sociology faculty—started thinking seriously about what we could accomplish. 

在健康之前, 医学, 与社会计划, we didn’t have a way to integrate the offerings of various faculty interested in medicine in a way that was visible to students. 现在, 当我们向学生描述专业时, 我们经常看到这样的反应, “这就是我想做的, 我不知道该怎么做!” We already have students in the pipeline for the major, and incoming freshman are definitely set to get started. 我们感到很兴奋!

BB: 该项目网站称,健康, 医学, 和社会 students can go on to become medical professionals. 它能作为医学预科课程吗? 

JK: 肯定. 当然, students would need to go on to graduate training, 但如果他们对医学院感兴趣, they can take many of the prerequisites through this program. One advant年龄 is the program frees up a lot of space in students’ curriculum, which students can use to pursue a second major. Traditionally, pre-med students major in biology. But medical schools already have enough biology majors. They're actually looking for students who have different sorts of perspectives and training. 医学院既要广度,也要广度, 健康, 医学, 和社会项目提供, 并在一个领域中表现出精通, which can be accomplished with a second major. Come graduation, students can be in a great position to go on to medical school. 

The major will also serve students who want to go into healthcare administration, 公共卫生, and other health-related professions—it is designed to be very flexible. 

BB: 你能告诉我们有关课程的情况吗?

JK: The spine of the major is the HSM 100 course; this semester will be the third time I've taught it. The assignments in this introductory course are geared toward getting students to think broadly about health and medicine and to start writing about their own interests—what they hope to accomplish, 他们对什么问题感兴趣?, 哪些课程是相关的. 作为专业的一部分, students will take a statistical methods course to help them understand basics of medical research. 大三的时候, they will revisit what they wrote their first year and see if it still reflects their interests. They’ll also start setting up an internship or service project. Beginning the end of their junior year and continuing into senior year, they'll immerse themselves in a capstone sequence. 

BB: The name of the major—健康, 医学, 和社会—is broad. 课程中有哪些科目?  

JK: One topic is natural science—classes in biology, chemistry, and physiology. 第二是医学人文, 其中包括生命伦理学, 医学史, 医学哲学, 英语, 和女人, 性别, 以及性课程. 三是政策与管理课程, which allow students to analyze healthcare policy and prepare students for roles such as managing a group practice or 公共卫生 office. The fourth is person and society, which focuses on medical anthropology, sociology, and psychology. Finally, there is global health, concentrating on health issues at the global level. 

BB: Why is it important to examine health and medicine through a liberal arts lens? 

JK: In this program, students can explore broad questions. 生病是什么意思? 我们怎么理解呢? 我们如何从概念上定义它? 生化反应? 社会? 有什么问题吗? How do we address health concerns across borders? 除了, 学生将学习医学研究, 它是如何工作的, and what kinds of inferences we can legitimately draw from different kinds of studies.

There's a growing movement to bring medical humanities into undergraduate education. 在我看来, medical students need to gain an understanding of the humanities before they get to medical school; if students want to read authors like Dostoyevsky and respond to it in medical humanities courses, there is more space for that as an undergraduate. We’ve got to open future physicians and other medical professionals up to thinking broadly about medicine and health before they get to medical or graduate school. 

有关更多信息,请参见 健康, 医学, 与社会计划 web p年龄